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Culturelink review, no.28/August 1999 - contents - imprint - archive

MERCOSUR: Borders, Cultures and Identities

A year ago, in Culturelink no. 25/August 1998, we published a dossier on the cross-border cultural identities in the Mexican/North American experience. We received a great number of positive reactions to this topic, which is relevant, of course, not only to this part of the world. As we wrote then, the symbolic reconstruction of borders seems to be one of the key processes in the contemporary world.

In this issue, we present another look at the issue of borders, cultures and identities. The original articles in this issue all deal with the Latin American regional integration initiative - MERCOSUR, which might be compared in its aims to the older and more advanced integration of the European Union.

The six papers in the Dossier, contributed by researchers mostly from the Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL), offer different insights into the meaning of cross-border cooperation and integration in Latin America. In examining the dynamics of the integration processes, construction of cultural identities, cultural policies and gender, in rethinking social identities in the newly built cities, and in considering the question of the identity construction of the indigenous populations in Latin America, this dossier continues to develop our concern with the ways of improving cooperation among cultures and countries in the world.

We are grateful to the authors of the dossier for continuing this debate in Culturelink. Our special thanks are due to Ms. Catalina Saugy, researcher at the INAPL, for the preparation and coordination of this dossier.

The Culturelink Network


Contact address:
Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano (INAPL)
Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación
3 de febrero 1378 - (1426) Buenos Aires, Argentina
tel./fax: (541) 4783 - 6554; 4782 - 7251; 4784 - 3371
e-mail: antrposg@bibapl.edu.ar


  • Cultural Movements, Social Actors, Regional Scenarios - The Case of MERCOSUR
    by Elizabeth Jelin
  • MERCOSUR: Boundaries, Cultures and Identities in South America
    by Marcelo Alvarez
  • MERCOSUR, Cultural Policies and Gender Mainstreaming
    by Nicolás Patricio Reyes
  • Remapping Territorial Identities Within the Context of the Mercosur Cities
    by Mónica Lacarrieu
  • Constructing Identities and Crossing Boundaries among the Guaraní Indians of Bolivia and Argentina
    by Silvia María Hirsch
  • Present Situation of Indigenous Populations in Argentina
    by Alejandro O. Balazote and Juan C. Radovich