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Culturelink review, no.31/August 2000 - contents - imprint - archive

Cultural Policies for Development (II)

This section is devoted to information and viewpoints from UNESCO. The last issue of the Culturelink Review (no. 30/April 2000, pp. 141-200) contained a special dossier on the workshop Assessing needs, devising tools, imagining new methods, organized by the Cultural Policies for Development Unit in September 1999 with the support of the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO. The workshop was the high point of the reflection that went into the preparation of UNESCO's relaunched activities in the cultural policy area.

A number of studies and essays were also commissioned as part of this preparatory process. Two of them are reproduced below.

The first, entitled Cultural Policies in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region – with a focus on language diversity, is by Angeline S. Kamba, who has been a Public Service Commissioner in Zimbabwe after having headed that country's National Archive; she was also a member of the World Commission on Culture and Development.

The second essay, entitled Cultural Factors that Shape Governance in the Southeast Asia Sub-region, is by a Thai sociologist, Dr. Pasuk Phongpaichit, who is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

UNESCO, Cultural Policies for Development Unit


  • Workshop on Cultural Policies for Development: Introduction
  • Cultural Policies in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region - With a Focus on Language Diversity
    by Angeline S. Kamba
  • Cultural Factors that Shape Governance in the South-East Asia Sub-Region
    by Pasuk Phongpaichit