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Culturelink review, no.39/April 2003 - contents - imprint - archive

Cultura Europea


The Centre for European Studies of the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, hosted the seventh International Conference on European Culture, 23-26 October 2002.

In his article "Some Simple Theses for a Complex Subject: European Culture" published in the dossier of Culturelink issue no. 27/April 1999, Professor Enrique Banús, Director of the Centre for European Studies, described the rationale and the first ten years of a series of conferences devoted to European culture. Even today, in the twenty-first century and after several decades of European integration efforts, there are still many more questions than answers. Some topics lose their importance while others emerge and are widely debated by academics throughout Europe. Conferences on Cultura Europea always produce fresh and innovative ideas and reflections on our past and future, on contemporary global issues and their reflection in European reality.

The introductory text in this dossier by Enrique Banús and Daniel Ruiz Villa from the University of Navarra questions the concept and the term "cultural identity", offering an interesting overview of the literature on this topic as well as the authors' own dilemmas and views.

The text written by Professor Annick Schramme and entitled "Globalization and international cultural policy" reflects some concerns about the role of international cultural policy in the light of some recent developments, such as the international migrations or the outburst of terrorism.

The following two texts have been written by young academics, both of them working on their doctoral theses. Hans van Poppel, a sociologist specialized in policy and organization sciences, currently a Research Fellow at the Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation, Tilburg University, is engaged in the study of culture, state aid for culture, and competitiveness in Europe. Eleonora Belfiore from the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, University of Warwick, writes about methodological issues in cross-national cultural policy research, comparing the UK and Italian examples.

With this dossier, Culturelink continues its fruitful collaboration with the Centre for European Studies of the University of Navarra. Our special thanks in preparing this dossier are due to Professor Enrique Banús and Beatriz Elío.

Nina Obuljen


  • Introduction
    by Nina Obuljen
  • "Cultural Identity" - A Myth?
    by Ertique Banús and Daniel Ruiz Villa
  • Culture, State Aid and Competitiveness in Europe
    by Hans van Poppel
  • Methodological Issues in Cross-National Cultural Policy Research: Differing Notion of Culture in Italy and the UK
    by Eleonora Belfiore
  • Globalization and International Cultural Policy
    by Annick Schramme