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CANTEMIR Grants Programme

The Romanian Cultural Institute, a public institution whose purpose is to promote Romanian cultural values and to better integrate these values in the international cultural circuit, has launched the 2007 edition of the CANTEMIR Grants Programme.

The CANTEMIR Programme was established in 2006 to provide non-reimbursable funding for cultural projects carried on internationally and having an impact upon high-profile markets abroad.

In 2007, the objectives of the CANTEMIR Programme are to:

  • increase Romanian culture’s visibility and accessibility on international cultural markets, and
  • encourage co-operation between Romanian and foreign artists.

Consequently, support will be given to cultural operators from Romania who wish for a Romanian participation in major international festivals and to cultural operators from Romania and outside Romania who initiate projects to promote Romanian culture and civilisation abroad or projects of cultural cooperation intended to encourage intercultural dialogue.

For 2007, the programme is structured into 3 sections, with specific objectives, priorities and conditions of eligibility: Section I: Festival - Culture By Request, Section II: Promotion - Culture To Go, and Section III: CoOperation - Culture To Share

For application deadlines, please see www.programulcantemir.ro