Two New EU Publications
Participatory Governance of Cultural Heritage: Contributions from Science and Policy
By the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) working group of Member States' experts, Publications Office of the European Union, 2018, 108 pages, ISBN 978-92-79-67396-2
Reconnecting Natural and Cultural Capital: Contributions from Science and Policy
Edited by Maria Luisa Paracchini, Pier Carlo Zingari and Carlo Blasi, Publications Office of the European Union, 2018, 316 pages, ISBN 978-92-79-59949-1
Two new studies have been published by the Publications Office of the European Union. Participatory Governance of Cultural Heritage, a report by the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) working group of Member States' experts, is the result of a collective effort by experts from 27 countries requested by the Council of the European Union. The report seeks to identify 'innovative approaches to the multilevel governance of tangible, intangible and digital heritage which involve the public sector, private stakeholders and the civil society', in the framework of the Work Plan for Culture 2015-2018. The Open Method of Communication aims at moving the concept of participatory governance of cultural heritage from simply an abstract notion to concrete action, in other words how participation can be put to practical use in the ordinary and everyday governance of cultural heritage.
The study Reconnecting Natural and Cultural Capital is a book that offers a variety of valuable and inspiring contributions of authors from around the world, in an effort to meet the challenge of reconnecting natural and cultural capital. This study has brought together scientific and policy views and voices from different countries, in Europe and beyond, from individuals, institutions and organizations to explore ways to face the challenge of managing and safeguarding natural capital, not forgetting the positive driving role that cultural capital plays and the opportunities it brings.
For more information or for the full studies, please visit: and