Culturelink Joint Publications Series |
publication: contents - preface - conclusions / conference: announcement - report |
The Mediterranean: Cultural Identity and Intercultural Dialogue
page |
Preface |
1 |
Opening of the Conference |
Ljubomir Èuèiæ President of Europe House Zagreb |
5 |
Slaven Letica President of the European Movement Croatia |
7 |
Per Vinther
Special Envoy, Office of the European Commission in Croatia |
9 |
Mladen Stanièiæ Director of the Institute for International Relations |
10 |
Berta Dragièeviæ Executive Secretary of the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC) |
11 |
Mediterranean Cultural Identity |
Radovan Ivanèeviæ Messages and Lessons of Humanism of the Sixteenth Century for the Twenty-First Century |
15 |
Bernard Ardura L'identité au défi du dialogue - Aspects religieux et culturels |
21 |
Paul Rasse
Identité de la Méditerranée et médiation du patrimoine |
29 |
Yannick Geffroy Méditerranée: Identités, Cultures et Médiation du Patrimoine |
39 |
Alain Roussillon La Méditerranée au péril de ses identités |
45 |
60 |
Mediterranean Culture(s) in the Crossfire of Political Realism, Geopolitics and Globalisation
Ridha Tlili
Culture et géopolitique en Méditerranée |
65 |
Nada Švob-Ðokiæ The Decline or the Renaissance of the Mediterranean |
71 |
Zdravko Bazdan The Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of the Mediterranean |
79 |
Melita Richter Malabotta The Mediterranean: What are the Threats from the South? |
89 |
Edmund A. van Trotsenburg The Mediterranean as a Cluster of Cultural Linkages |
101 |
Discussion |
110 |
Interethnic and Interreligious Dialogue in the Mediterranean |
José Monleón Tuer au nom de Dieu, a la fin du IIème millénaire |
115 |
Susan M. Sims Of Cancers and Wars and Cures |
121 |
Alastair Hulbert Dialogue in the Search for Meaning and Identity |
129 |
Thomas Jansen Nécessités et problemes concernant le dialogue interculturel et interreligieux dans l'espace méditerranéen |
133 |
Wolfgang Maurus The European Integration and Islam |
139 |
Mohamed Lamine Chaabani L'Education au dialogue inter-ethnique et inter-religieux en Méditerranée |
147 |
Discussion |
160 |
Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Programmes: Which Policy for Cooperation and Dialogue?
Paul Balta Bilan de la coopération culturelle de Barcelone a Malte |
165 |
Sanja Iviæ, Brigitte Remer Méditerranée, entre Terres et Mer: des programmes de coopération culturelle (regard français/perspectives croates) |
171 |
Ronald G. Sultana Towards Increased Collaboration in the South: The Mediterranean Education Project |
179 |
Discussion |
187 |
Intercultural Relations and Prospects for Peace in South-Eastern Europe
Maurizio Coccia South-East Europe: Bridge or Border Between Civilizations |
191 |
Amir Bukviæ Dialogue, Coexistence and Variety |
197 |
Dušan Janjiæ Ethnic Conflicts and Democratization Prospects |
201 |
Ibrahim Spahiæ La Bosnie-Herzégovine et la Méditerranée |
211 |
Branko Sbutega The Adriatic Coast: A Space of Division and Collaboration |
215 |
Žarko Paiæ Culture in the "Conflict of Civilisations"? |
221 |
Discussion |
229 |
Prospects for Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogue |
Eberhard Bort Frontiers or Intermediaries: Mitteleuropa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East |
233 |
Sanjin Dragojeviæ The Mediterranean as a Cultural and Developmental Project |
247 |
Biserka Cvjetièanin Perspectives de la coopération culturelle méditerranéenne |
255 |
Maurice Rieutord Interculturalité et transculturalité de la Méditerranée |
261 |
Roberto Battisti A partir d'expériences interculturelles en Albanie: proposition d'initiatives de relation dans une situation tres dégradée |
267 |
Discussion |
270 |
Rüdiger Stephan Conclusions |
273 |
Final Address by Ljubomir Èuèiæ |
277 |
List of Participants |
279 |